John and Lois Ahlhauser, left, and Jan and Bob Gilka, right, were best of friends throughout their lives. (Photo Courtesy The Kalish Archives)
The John Ahlhauser and Bob Gilka Memorial Scholarship
To honor the memory of two pioneering picture editors at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and their lifelong friendship, Bob's family provides one full tuition scholarship. Please indicate your interest in applying for the Ahlhauser/Gilka Scholarship in the financial assistance area located on The Kalish Workshop application form. Please tell us something about yourself and why you want to attend The Kalish.

Randy Cox. (Photo by Sue Morrow)
The Randy Cox Picture Editing Scholarship
To honor his memory and years of dedication to The Kalish, Randy's family provides one full tuition scholarship. Please indicate your interest in applying for the Cox Scholarship in the financial assistance area located on The Kalish Workshop application form. Please tell us something about yourself and why you want to attend The Kalish.

Mark Edelson. (Photo by Kevin Martin)
The Mark J. Edelson Picture Editing Scholarship
To honor his memory and 20 years of dedication to The Kalish, Mark Edelson’s family established this scholarship to fund one recipient’s tuition and travel expenses to the workshop each year. In the spirit of Mark’s contributions and his legacy, the workshop continues to be grounded in inspiration, mentorship, education and “family” for visual editors. Please indicate your interest in applying for the Edelson Scholarship in the financial assistance area located on The Kalish Workshop application form. Please tell us something about yourself and why you want to attend The Kalish. ​

Mary Jo Moss. (Photo by Bryan Moss)
Mary Jo Moss Picture Editing Scholarship Fund
An unflinching advocate for photographers and picture editors, Mary Jo Moss’s contributions to our profession and The Kalish workshop spanned over 40 years in many leading newsrooms in the country. As faculty and director in the early years of the workshop, she cleared the path to success for many participants. To honor her, Bryan Moss, her spouse of 59 years, set up a contributory scholarship in her name. Anyone may donate toward tuition fees for workshop applicants. Please tell us about yourself and why you want to attend The Kalish.

In recent years, The Kalish has generously received additional funding in the form of tuition scholarship assistance and operational support from the following organizations:
The Kalish also thanks the continued support of contributors (who wish to remain anonymous) for additional scholarship opportunities and operating funds. To donate and contribute to future workshops in the name of John Ahlhasuer and Bob Gilka, Randy Cox, Mark Edelson, and Mary Jo Moss see the National Press Photographers Foundation (NPPF) website. You may also reach out to Frank Folwell, our treasurer, or our 2025 co directors Jenn Poggi, Louie Palu, and Kristen McNicholas.
