Who Should Apply
This is not a workshop about the tools; this is a workshop about storytelling where content is Queen. Coming from all corners of the world with diverse backgrounds, Kalish participants have varied experience: newsroom leaders, staff and independent photographers and videographers, producers, radio journalists, non-profit marketing specialists, designers, educators and editors who work directly with image sequencing, audio and video storytelling.
It is advantageous for chosen participants to have a basic proficiency in Adobe Premiere and InDesign as a basic knowledge of the tools will deepen the workshop experience. However, a working knowledge of basic design principles and video editing is acceptable. Participants who don't know the basics are strongly encouraged to do online training before attending. MediaStorm offers attending participants discounted online training, which can be found here: MediaStorm
Workshop Cost
The Kalish registration fee is $899. Applications require a deposit of $100. The balance is due April 15, after which no refunds will be made. Scholarships are available to help offset the total cost of this experience.
Applicants may pay by check or submit online using PayPal. Details are located on the payment page.
Scenes from the 2018 workshop.
"The Kalish is a simply fantastic way to re-energize your visual spirit."
Photo Editor/Photographer, Houston Chronicle
On campus: Dorm rooms at the Global Village residential complex are arranged in five-person suites with individual bedrooms, shared living areas and shared bathrooms. Rates are around $63 per night, with a $52 charge for linens and towels. The suites are air-conditioned with free wi-fi access, kitchens, meeting areas and laundry facilities.

Global Village accomodations on the RIT campus.
There are diverse dining options across the RIT campus and nearby in Henrietta. Check out the RIT dining facility page for more details.
RIT is located within 7 miles of the Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport. If you are arriving by bus or train, you should choose the destination of Rochester, N.Y. These stations are a 20-30 minute ride from campus.
Taxis, Lyft and Uber are widely available and fares will vary. There are rental cars available at both the airport and train station if you would rather rent a car.
Related Links
Detailed directions to RIT from Airport and NYS Thruway.